A large German film company that was set up under the name Universum Film AG in 1917. After the end of World War I, UFA produced elaborate entertainment films which are seen to have stylistically paved the way for other silent movies. The film company was handed over to the NSDAP in 1933. Following World War II, it was reprivatized and is an umbrella organisation with eight subsidiaries in film and television today.
Uhlmann, Fred
1901-1985, was a lawyer, painter and author. In 1933 he went into exile, moving first to France and then Great Britain. He achieved notoriety thanks to the success of his autobiography The Making of an Englishman.
1950 gegründetes Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).
Unitarian Service Committee
The Unitarian Service Committee of the American Unitarian Church played a significant role in assisting refugees in Lisbon and in helping newly arrived immigrants to integrate in the US.
Christian religious community
Unseld, Siegfried
1924-2002, German publisher who was a publisher at the Suhrkamp publishing house in Frankfurt am Main from 1959 until his death
von Unruh, Fritz
1885–1970, deutscher Schriftsteller und Maler des Expressionismus.