• Altes Herz geht auf die Reise

    – novel by Hans Fallada, published in 1936
  • Frank Simon Herrmann

    1866-1942, American painter of German origin, lived in Munich from 1883, returned to the United States in 1919.
  • Franziska Herzfeld

    1891-1939, German mathematician. She worked as a teacher at the École Normale in Nancy in French exile
  • Georg Heintz

    1928-1987, German exile researcher, editor and publisher in Worms 
  • Hagana

    Jewish, paramilitary underground organisation, predecessor of the Israeli army.
  • Haller, Frieda

    c. 1884 – c. 1953. Swiss English teacher and translator, shared a flat for a short time with Georg Kaiser in Zürich from 1944/45.
  • Hamburger, Rudolf (1903 – 1980),

    The architect Rudolf Hamburger (1903-1980) lived between 1930 and 1936 in Shanghai.

  • Havemann, Robert

    1910-1982, German chemist and anti-state campaigner. As a communist youth he was opposed to Nazism; from 1937-1945 he worked on poisonous gas projects at the German Army Weapons Agency (Heereswaffenamt); from 1950 political and scientific career in the GDR, expelled from the ruling SED party in 1964/65  for criticising the regime, and from 1976 placed under house arrest and subject to surveillance by the East German secret police (Staatssicherheit)
  • Hayek-Arendt, Katja

    1900 – 1979, pseudonym for Käthe Arendt, German philologist, translator, wife of Erich Arendt
  • Heiden, Konrad

    1901-1966, publisher, fled to the Saar region in 1933 then into exile in France and the USA; he wrote one of the first biographies of Hitler as well as several books about Nazism
  • Heine, Heinrich

    1797-1856, German poet and writer, emigrated to Paris in 1831 due to political hostility
  • Hemingway, Ernest

    1899-1961, US writer and journalist, received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954
  • Hepworth, Bearbara

    (1903-1975) was a significant British sculptor and the wife of Ben Nicholson.

  • Hermann-Neiße, Max

    1886-1941, German author or prose and poems, one of Berlin’s most popular literary figures in the 1920s, emigrated with some diversions to London in 1933, where he died almost totally forgotten
  • Herrmann-Neiße, Max

    1886-1941, deutscher Schriftsteller, der 1933 nach London emigrierte, wo er mit Lion Feuchtwanger, Rudolf Olden und Ernst Toller den Exil-P.E.N. gründete. 1936 erschien bei Oprecht sein Gedichtband Um uns die Fremde.
  • Herz, Peter

    Austrian author, librettist and features writer, emigrated to London via Zurich and Paris in 1938; after a period of internment on the Isle of Man, he served as the director and compère of the Blue Danube Club cabaret until 1954.
  • Herzfelde, Wieland

    1896–1988, worked from 1917 to 1947 as a publisher, founded among other things the publishing house Malik Verlag with his brother John Heartfield. He spent his exile years in Czechoslovakia and the USA. From 1949, he was professor for literature at Leipzig University.
  • Hesse, Hermann

    1877-1962, also known under the pseudonym Emil Sinclair, German writer, Swiss citizen from 1924, pacifist, supported many emigrants.

    Formed in 1927 out of three older associations (merger of HIAS (Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society), ICA (Jewish Colonization Association) und Emigdirekt)
  • Hilpert, Heinz

    1890-1967, German actor, theatre director and producer; 1938-1945 director of Wiener Theater in Josefstadt; after the war, his appointments included that of artistic director at the Deutsches Theater in Göttingen and Schauspiel Frankfurt.
  • Hindemith, Gertrud

    née. Rottenberg, 1900-1967. Actor and singer. Manager and executor of her husband Paul Hindemith’s estate.
  • Hitchcock, Alfred

    1899 – 1980, was a British film director and producer of world renown. Many of his thrillers are still regarded as classics in this genre today.
  • Horch, Franz J.

    1901 – 1951, Austrian playwright who acted as a literary agent in New York during his American exile
  • Hotel Bedford

    Hotel in New York, 118 East 40th Street, where several German emigrants stayed from the middle of the 1930s, among them Thomas, Klaus and Erika Mann and Martin Gumpert. The hotel manager Anton Nagel was also an emigrant.
  • Huang, Henry

    Henry Huang studied during the 1930s in London and at Harvard University in Boston under Walter Gropius before returning to Shanghai in 1942.
  • Hubertman, Bronislaw

    1882-1947, polnischer Violinvirtuose. Trat bereits als Kind öffentlich auf, später folgten Tourneen durch ganz Europa. Hubermann war stark politisch engagiert, unter anderem für ein vereinigtes Europa. Auch die Gründung des Palestine Orchestra, aus dem später das Israel Philharmonic Orchestra wurde, geht auf sein Engagement zurück.
  • Huebsch, Benjamin

    1876-1964, American publisher, son of a Jewish emigrant from Hungary. His publishing company Viking Press published numerous works by German authors such as Lion Feuchtwanger, Franz Werfel, Arnold Zweig, Stefan Zweig and Soma Morgenstern.
  • Humm-Sernau, Lola

    1895-1990, worked from 1926 to 1941 as Lion Feuchtwanger’s secretary
  • Huxley, Aldous

    1894-1963, English writer, lived until 1937 in Sanary-sur-Mer and was in contact with German emigrants there
  • Ödön von Horvath

    1901-1938, Austro-Hungarian author who wrote in the German language, died in exile in Paris.