Dadaism, an artistic and literary movement that emerged after World War I, also aimed to overcome conventional forms of art and visual presentation.
Dalí, Salvador
1904–1989; Spanish painter, graphic design and sculptor. Member of the Surrealist movement, an art form that aimed to express absurdity and imagination.
Declaration of the Council for a Democratic Germany
Plea for constructive peace and democratic new beginnings for Germany, signed by a politically heterogonous group of Germans living in exile in the US. Published on 3 May 1944 in the New York’s German-language newspaper Staats-Zeitung und Herold.
Short for Deutsche Film AG, founded in 1946 as the GDR’s state-owned film company with headquarters in Potsdam-Babelsberg, produced a great many feature films and documentaries, wound down and sold by the Treuhand (“Trust Agency”) in 1992
Denby, Edwin
(1903-1983), American writer and dance critic, briefly a member of Erika Mann's Pfeffermühle
Deutsch, Julius
1884-1968, social democratic Austrian politician, from 1920 to 1933 parliamentary representative in the Nationalrat; General in the Spanish Civil War; following that exile in the USA, married to the author Adrienne Thomas
Dix, Otto
1891-1969, German painter and graphic artist, expressive paintings and print cycles on the First World War, 1933 banned from exhibiting, 1938 temporary detention.
Dollfuß, Engelbert
(1892-1934), Austrian politician from 1932-1934, founder of the austrofaschistischer Ständesstaat (Austrofaschist Corporate State), murdered in July 1934
Dos Passos, John
(1896-1970), American writer
Duchamp, Marcel
1887-1968, French painter and sculptor who mainly became famous due to his Surrealist-Dadaist readymade works of art; from 1915-1919 and from 1942 resident in the USA
German Freedom Library
Library of documents compiled jointly by communist writers and journalists in exile, in order to publish a Brown Book about the Reichstag fire and Hitler’s terror. The project – also referred to as the ‘Library of the Burned Books’ – aimed to put together extensive and detailed documentation.
The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
A parable from 1941 written by Bertolt Brecht while in exile in Finland that parodies Hitler’s seizure of power in a story set in the American gangster scene.