Arnold Zweig (documentary film, GDR 1962, excerpt)
Documentary film directed by Joop HuiskenDirected by Joop Huisken and with a screenplay by Renate Drescher, the documentary film Arnold Zweig was released in 1962. Viewers were presented with the most significant events in the life of the writer Arnold Zweig and his artistic oeuvre.
Do you know where Mr. Kisch is? (documentary film, GDR 1985, excerpt)
About the writer and reporter Egon Erwin KischWriter and reporter Egon Erwin Kisch, who was born into a German-speaking Jewish family in Prague, was one of the most important reporters of the 20th century. Kisch reported in the 1920s from Asia, North Africa and the Soviet Union and published in 1925 his reports in the book The Raging Reporter whose title became a catchword for himself and his work.
Even Today He'd Speak His Mind (documentary film, GDR 1975, excerpt)
About the poet Erich WeinertDirected by Volker Koepp and based on a screenplay by Klaus and Vera Küchenmeister, the 1975 documentary Even Today He'd Speak His Mind was about the poet Erich Weinert.Autobiographical notes and poems together with archival material, documents and interviews show the life, views and work of the poet and his fellow communist activists.
Malik (documentary film, GDR 1967, clip)
Directed by Giovanni Angela and based on a screenplay by Paolo Chiarini, the film Malik was released in 1967. It was made at the East German DEFA Studio, which produced newsreels and documentaries.
Slatan Dudow – A Film Essay about a Marxist Artist (GDR 1974, excerpt)
The artistic development and the essence of the film director Slatan Dudow throughout various stages of his life was depicted in Volker Koepp’s documentary Slatan Dudow – A Film Essay about a Marxist Artist (GDR 1974).Slatan Dudow was born in Bulgaria in 1903.
The whole world should endure (documentary film, GDR, 1988, excerpt)
Erich Fried - a portraitDirected by Roland Steiner, the documentary The whole world should endure. Erich Fried - a portrait) was released in 1988.
Traces (documentary film, GDR, 1989, excerpt)
About Jewish theatre and memories of Jewish life in BerlinDirected by Eduard Schreiber and based on a screenplay by Regine Kühn, the documentary Traces was released in Berlin in 1989. It looked for memories of Jewish life in Berlin.