Bundesregierung / Photographer: Christian Stutterheim
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1 March 1996
The "Law for Mandatory Conditions for Cross-Border Service Provision" (known as the "Posted Workers Law") comes into effect.This law intends to ensure that foreign employees who are sent to work in Germany by their employers, are paid a pre-determined minimum wage.10 September 1996
In the Berlin Regional Court, six former commanders of the East German border guard are sentenced for the first time for the fatal shooting of East Germans attempting to cross to the west.25 October 1996
The Education Ministers' Conference issues recommendations for "intercultural education in schools".The recommendations did not provide for special treatment of migrant children, as had previously been the case, but was rather defined as a type of "new, general" education.21 January 1997
German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Czech Prime Minister Václav Klaus sign a declaration of reconciliation between Germany and the Czech Republic.1 September 1997
The Dublin Convention comes into effectThe convention is an international legal agreement with the stated aim of preventing refugees from being shunted from one state to another. In accordance with the agreement, the state responsible for processing the asylum request is the asylum seeker's first state of entry.2 October 1997
Signing of the Amsterdam TreatyThe agreement seeks to establish closer cooperation between EU member states as relates to migration, asylum and immigration policy.10 October 1997
The exhibition Exile - Escape and Emigration of European Artists 1933 - 1945 in the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin seeks to present the issue of exile in the Nazi era from a pan-European perspective.1 September 1998
Court sentences from the Nazi era are revokedAll verdicts passed during the period of Nazi rule that are of a political, military, racial, religious or ideological nature are nullified with national effect. This serves as a formal recognition of the victims of the Nazi legislature but does not provide for claims for legal damages.Fall 1998
Establishment of the Amadeu Antonio FoundationThe stated aim of the foundation is to confront right-wing extremist culture on a day-to-day basis, and to highlight, in the public sphere, the issues of xenophobia and right-wing extremism. This involves the strengthening of small, local initiatives.- Bundesregierung / Photographer: Engelbert Reineke
1 May 1999
The Amsterdam Treaty comes into effectThis serves to expand on the framework of the Maastricht Treaty, with the goal of creating a community area of freedom, security and justice. Asylum, refugee and immigration policy is formulated at EU level.