Bundesarchiv, Plak 004-005-007-T1, graphic designer: not stated
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2 September 1945
Japan capitulates, bringing the Second World War to an end.24 October 1945
The Charter of the United Nations, a treaty on human rights between all 51 member states, comes into effect. Changes to the charter require a two-thirds majority.20 November 1945
The Allied Control Council approves the Relocation Plan.Under the plan, about 3.5 million German from the Polish-administered territories east of the Oder and Lusatian Neisse rivers are to be resettled in the Soviet and British occupation zones.20 November 1945
Beginning of the Nuremberg Trials of the leading war criminals of the Nazi dictatorship1 June 1946
Premiere of Mother Courage and Her ChildrenBertolt Brecht’s drama is performed for the first time in Germany at the international culture week in Constance. Brecht wrote the piece during his exile in Sweden.- Bundesarchiv, Plak 100-031-021, graphic designer: not stated
30 June 1946
Referendum on dispossessionA referendum takes place in Saxony on whether to expropriate the commercial holdings of active Nazis and war criminals. The large majority vote in favour of expropriation. - Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Hanns Eisler Archiv, Nr. 10215-F-230, © Gerda Goedhardt
October 1946
An article in the Hollywood Reporter marks the beginning of a press campaign against composer Hanns Eisler.Eisler's commitment to communism leads to him being questioned before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) in 1947. In 1948 he is expelled from the U. - Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-H27936, photographer: not stated
A resolution on the return of ethnic Germans is passed by a conference of the minister presidents of the German states.The resolution states: “The heads of the German state governments gathered together in Munich cordially call upon all Germans who were expelled by Nazis from their country to return home. [. - Bundesarchiv, Plak 005-002-007, graphic designer: not stated
5 June 1947
US Foreign Secretary George C. Marshall puts forward what becomes known as the "Marshall Plan".This plan is intended both to help the countries of Europe that are languishing economically, including the German zones of occupation, and also to prevent the spread of communism. 2 December 1947
The draft law "on the Citizenship of the Denaturalised" is passedThe law stipulates that denaturalisation can be revoked only on written request. It is argued that some of the returnees no longer want to be Germans.