BundesArchiv, Bild 183-R69173, photographer: not stated
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1 August 1938
SS leader Adolf Eichmann sets up the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Vienna.Eichmann’s Central Bureau is the only Nazi office authorised to issue Austrian Jews with exit permits. In less than one-and-a-half years, 128,000 Jews are forced to leave the country.7 September 1938
Italy decrees the expulsion of all Jews who have migrated to the country since 1919 - around 9,000 people - unless they voluntary leave within six months.30 September 1938
The Munich Agreement is signedThe Agreement is signed (excluding Czechoslovakia) by the heads of state of Britain, France, Italy and the German Reich. It provides for the assignment by Czechoslovakia of the Sudeten region to Germany.- Bundesarchiv, Plak 003-007-037, graphic designer: not stated
1 October 1938
Occupation of the Sudetenland begins. By 10 October the five zones of the Sudetenland are - as decreed by the Munich Agreement - occupied by the German Wehrmacht. - Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-R99537, photographer: not stated
5 October 1938
German Jews have a large "J" stamped in their passports from now on, further reducing their chances of emigrating.This measure is the result of an agreement between Switzerland and the German Reich. Fear of “over-foreignization” leads Switzerland to turn against Jewish immigration from Germany. 4 November 1938
Free German Art exhibition in the Maison de la Culture in ParisThe exhibition is organised in protest against Hitler’s cultural policies and the Degenerate Art propaganda exhibition. The 70 artists exhibiting include Max Beckmann, George Grosz, Felix Nussbaum among others.- Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek – collection of the Paul Kohner Agency
5 November 1938
To support unemployed colleagues, the film agent Paul Kohner establishes the European Film Fund (from 1948 the European Relief Fund) together with Ernst Lubitsch, Billy Wilder and others. 8 November 1938
Ultimatum, a film by German directors Robert Wiene and Robert Siodmak which warns against fascist aggression and a new war, premieres in France.- Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1971-099-63, photographer: not stated
9 November 1938
The Nazi regime organises systematic violence against Jews throughout the German Reich.A great number of synagogues, cemeteries and Jewish stores are destroyed during the November Pogroms, which trigger off a huge wave of emigrations. 12 November 1938
Jews are completely excluded from business on the instigation of the Reich government.At the same time, Jews are sentenced to pay so-called “compensatory damages” for the pogroms, although these were organised by the Nazis.