
181 Search results

  • About: Oskar Maria Graf

    Oskar Maria Graf

    Born on 22 July 1894Died on 28 June 1967Writer
    An important event at the beginning of Oskar Maria Graf’s exile was his angry protest “burn me!” against the book burnings of 10 May 1933. Yet Graf’s exile had already begun with the burning of the Reichstag on 27 February. At this time Graf was in Vienna and never returned to Germany.
  • Schauspieler Alexander Granach

    Alexander Granach

    Born on 18 April 1890Died on 14 March 1945Actor, Writer
    When Alexander Granach emigrated from Germany on 29 March 1933, he was one of the most successful expressionist actors in Germany. In the political theatre of Berlin – in the ensemble of director Erwin Piscator, among others – he was a popular actor.
  • Olga Grjasnowa, author

    Olga Grjasnowa

    Born 14 November 1984Writer
    Olga Grjasnowa spent the first years of her life in Baku, Azerbaijan. When she was eleven, she and her family left the Soviet Union.
  • Walter Gropius, Architect

    Walter Gropius

    Born on 18 May 1883Died on 5 July 1969Architect, Designer
    When Walter Gropius went to England in October 1934, he did not think that he would spend the next two and a half years living there. His planned stay in England was connected to a project that he was working on.
  • George Grosz, painter

    George Grosz

    Born on 26 July 1893Died on 6 July 1959Painter, Graphic designer
    In 1932, the painter George Grosz received an invitation to teach at New York’s Art School, the Art Students League, upon which he embarked on his journey to the USA without delay. The attitude towards art held by the one-time communist, member of Berlin’s DADA scene and critic of German bourgeois society had already begun to change at that time and he no longer saw art first and foremost as an instrument for improving people and society.
  • Lea Grunding, painter

    Lea Grundig

    Born on 23 March 1906Died on 10 October 1977Painter, Graphic designer
    As a Jew, a communist and an artist, Lea Grundig was persecuted and vilified by the Nazis. From 1933 she was an active member of the anti-fascist resistance and saw herself – until her expulsion from Germany – as an artist in domestic exile.
  • Martin Gumpert, poet and doctor

    Martin Gumpert

    Born on 13 November 1897Died on 18 April 1958Publicist, Writer
    In his autobiography Hölle im Paradies (Hell in Paradise), Martin Gumpert describes a walk through the suburb of Wedding in his hometown of Berlin. He had moved into a guesthouse and behaved as if he were a foreigner. Shortly afterwards, this became a reality: in 1936 the Jewish doctor and writer emigrated to America.
  • Joseph Hahn

    Joseph Hahn

    Born on 20 July 1917Died on 31 October 2007Graphic designer, Writer
    At first Hahn wanted to be an art teacher in his native Bohemia, but he broke off his studies in order to dedicate himself entirely to art. In 1937 he went to Prague to study painting at the academy of arts.
  • Jakob Haringer, writer

    Jakob Haringer

    Born on 16 March 1898Died on 3 April 1948Writer
    Although little other than a cover address in Breslau is known of Jakob Haringer’s life in exile in the years from 1933 to 1935, his exile work opens in spectacular fashion. In his Deutschland-Ode [Ode to Germany] published in 1934 in the exile publication Neuen Tage-Buch, Haringer strikes the tone of sharp, emotional indignation typical of this early period of anti-Fascist exile poetry and pours condemnation on the new rulers: “The brown plague has crept in and suffocated you, / In cowardice they have gagged and bedevilled you - / My most beautiful country.
  • John Heartfield, graphic designer

    John Heartfield

    Born on 19 June 1891Died on 26 April 1968Painter, Graphic designer, Illustrator
    “We noticed, or maybe I noticed in particular, that the pencil was too weak to convincingly hammer it home to people what one had to say at the time.” (ed. trans.) (John Heartfield, radio interview, 1966) Heartfield saw his art as a tool in the fight for what was right.