
176 Search results

  • Liao Yiwu, Schriftsteller

    Liao Yiwu

    Born on 4 August 1958Writer, Musician
    In poems and prose texts, Liao Yiwu has repeatedly criticised the Chinese government since the 1980s. Today in the west, the writer and musician is one of the most prominent critical Chinese voices.
  • Eric Zeisl, composer

    Erich Zeisl

    Born 18 May 1905Died 18 February 1959Composer, Musician
    Eric Zeisl was a representative of the moderate Viennese Modern Age. Art songs, instrumental and chamber music pieces, choir and orchestra works as well as pieces for musical dramas were characteristic of his oeuvre.
  • Passport photo of Richard Ziegler, c. 1950.

    Richard Ziegler

    Born on 3 May 1891Died on 23 February 1992Graphic designer, Painter
    Richard Ziegler was born in Pforzheim. He completed his doctorate in German Philology in Heidelberg, after which he became a self-taught artist.
  • Oscar Zügel, painter

    Oscar Zügel

    Fleeing from one dictatorship to another.Born on 18 October 1892Died on 5 March 1968Painter
    After studying at the Stuttgart Art Academy, Oscar Zügel’s work developed from New Objectivity towards abstraction, with the themes of his paintings increasingly reflecting a critical view of his era. Works of Zügel’s were included in the exhibition “Drawings and Paintings” which was closed in spring 1933 on the grounds that it contained “degenerate” art.
  • Photograph: Arnold Zweig by Eric Schaal

    Arnold Zweig

    Born on 10 November 1887Died on 26 November 1968Writer
    A modest upbringing as the son of a Jewish settler in Katowice in Silesia, a committed Prussian soldier during World War I, then a pacifist, a Zionist, a socialist: the life of Arnold Zweig appears to be full of contradictions. However, these supposed contrasts describe his lifelong confrontation with his own identity.
  • Stefan Zweig, writer

    Stefan Zweig

    Born on 28 November 1881Died on 23 February 1942Writer
    Stefan Zweig came from a prosperous merchant family and spent his childhood in Vienna in an upper-middle class environment. During his philosophy studies he published his first poems and feuilleton texts in the Neue Freie Presse, and also made his name as an author of stories, novellas and essays, and as a translator from the French language.