Exile Network
The virtual museum "Arts in exile" sees itself as a network project that brings together the resources of research institutions, collections and exhibition organisers to present the phenomenon exile on a platform that reaches as wide an audience as possible.
The exhibition themes and exhibits have been compiled from different collections stored at various locations and from the results of research work that has been carried out by various bodies at a wide range of locations.
Arbeitsstelle „Verfolgte Musiker und Musikerinnen der NS-Zeit“ [The Working Group for Musicians Persecuted under National Socialism]
The Working Group, which is part of Hamburg University’s Institute for Historical Musicology [Institut für Historische Musikwissenschaft] brings together various research and teaching projects dealing with musical life in the Third Reich and in exile. The focal element of their work is the Lexicon of Musicians Persecuted under National Socialism. This compiles information about musicians who were considered “undesirable” in the Third Reich for “racial”, political, cultural, religious or other reasons and as a consequence were discriminated against, dispossessed, imprisoned, murdered, forced into hiding or into exile.Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin [Archive of the Academy of Arts, Berlin]
The Academy Archive encompasses all branches of the arts and concentrates on the period beginning in 1900. Its divisions – Visual Arts, Architecture, Music, Literature, Performing Arts, Film and Media Arts – correspond to the sections of the membership academy founded in 1696.Austrian Archive for Exile Studies at the Literaturhaus Wien
Founded in 1993, the Austrian Archive for Exile Studies documents the life and work of Austrian writers and other cultural figures in exile and emigration after 1933/1938. It is the largest and most important specialised library in Austria on cultural exile.Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
The institution was founded in 1994 by the federal, regional and local governments with the aim of communicating and keeping alive the Bauhaus legacy. Because of the international significance of its work and inventories, the Foundation was added to the list of cultural lighthouses of the new German federal states, the so-called “Blaubuch” (Blue Book).Buddenbrook House / Heinrich and Thomas Mann Center
The Buddenbrook House / Heinrich and Thomas Mann Center is a research and memorial centre to commemorate and study the life and work of brothers Heinrich and Thomas Mann and the rest of the Mann family, and after the Thomas Mann Archive in Zurich it is the most important research body in this field.Center for Persecuted Arts in the Solingen Art Museum
In 1949, the Solingen born-and-bred Georg Meistermann began campaigning for the foundation of a collection of contemporary art so that “every year there could be […] exhibitions of the works of younger artists and those whose work had been dismissed as degenerate.”Das Bundesarchiv / The Federal Archives
The Federal Archives were established in 1952 and provide access to the most important source materials from Germany’s more recent history.DEFA Foundation
The DEFA Foundation works as an incorporated, non-profit foundation to preserve film heritage and make it publicly accessible. When it was set up the Foundation was assigned the film stocks of the formerly state-run East German DEFA film studios (Deutsche Film AG), and its objective is to preserve everything that was produced by DEFA, make these materials publicly accessible and promote German cinematic art and culture.Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen / Filmhaus am Potsdamer Platz
Collecting, storing, exploring, presenting and conveying our audiovisual heritage has been the remit of the Deutsche Kinemathek since its opening in 1963.Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven [German Emigration Center]
The German Emigration Center in Bremerhaven is Germany's first and only museum to look at emigration from and immigration to Germany over the last 300 years.