Edition Memoria. Publishing house and collection for exile culture

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Edition Memoria Verlag und Sammlung für Exil-Kultur

Kiefernweg 11

50354 Hürth bei Köln

Edition Memoria. Publishing house and collection for exile culture

Edition Memoria is the only publishing house that exclusively publishes the works of exiled artists and authors such as Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Georg Kreisler, Robert Schopflocher, Georg Stefan Troller, Max Osborn, Jo Mihaly, Walther Rode, Rudolf Arnheim and Stephan Lackner.

The founder of the publishing house – the author, publicist, editor, exhibition curator, lecturer and PEN member, Thomas B. Schumann – has addressed the issue of German exile culture 1933-45 intensively – inspired by his numerous personal acquaintanceships with exiled authors such as Günther Anders, Elias Canetti, Irmgard Keun, Walter Mehring, Hans Sahl and Armin T. Wegner.

His exile archive “Sammlung Memoria” holds several hundred works of art, thousands of first editions (many with personal dedications from the authors), hundreds of documents, manuscripts, letters (e.g. from Heinrich Mann, Karl Wolfskehl and Leonard Steckel) and a wide collection of the personal possessions of emigrants.