• Helga Prinzessin zu Löwenstein

    1910-2004. Emigration to Austria in 1933, to England in 1935, and to the USA in 1936. As a lecturer, she worked to educate people about National Socialism. Supporter of the American Guild for German Cultural Freedom
  • Hemingway, Ernest

    1899-1961, US writer and journalist, received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954
  • Hepworth, Bearbara

    (1903-1975) was a significant British sculptor and the wife of Ben Nicholson.

  • Hermann-Neiße, Max

    1886-1941, German author or prose and poems, one of Berlin’s most popular literary figures in the 1920s, emigrated with some diversions to London in 1933, where he died almost totally forgotten
  • Herrmann-Neiße, Max

    1886-1941, deutscher Schriftsteller, der 1933 nach London emigrierte, wo er mit Lion Feuchtwanger, Rudolf Olden und Ernst Toller den Exil-P.E.N. gründete. 1936 erschien bei Oprecht sein Gedichtband Um uns die Fremde.
  • Herz, Peter

    Austrian author, librettist and features writer, emigrated to London via Zurich and Paris in 1938; after a period of internment on the Isle of Man, he served as the director and compère of the Blue Danube Club cabaret until 1954.
  • Herzfelde, Wieland

    1896–1988, worked from 1917 to 1947 as a publisher, founded among other things the publishing house Malik Verlag with his brother John Heartfield. He spent his exile years in Czechoslovakia and the USA. From 1949, he was professor for literature at Leipzig University.
  • Hesse, Hermann

    1877-1962, also known under the pseudonym Emil Sinclair, German writer, Swiss citizen from 1924, pacifist, supported many emigrants.

    Formed in 1927 out of three older associations (merger of HIAS (Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society), ICA (Jewish Colonization Association) und Emigdirekt)
  • Hilpert, Heinz

    1890-1967, German actor, theatre director and producer; 1938-1945 director of Wiener Theater in Josefstadt; after the war, his appointments included that of artistic director at the Deutsches Theater in Göttingen and Schauspiel Frankfurt.