• Feisenberg, Eleanor

    1905-1994, librarian in the Deutsche Bücherei library in Leipzig, from 1932 employee, partner and later wife of Hugo Steiner-Prag; emigrated to France after the Nazis seized power because of her Jewish origins and after that lived with her husband in exile in Prague, Sweden and New York
  • Feuchtwanger, Marta

    1891-1987, wife of writer Lion Feuchtwanger, she went into exile with him to France and the USA
  • Fittko, Hans

    1903–1960, journalist, member of the Communist Party, fled to Prague and then later to France together with Lisa Fittko. There, he and Lisa Fittko helped others to escape; in 1941 they both fled to Cuba and later emigrated to the United States. Fittko was honoured as a "Righteous Among the Nations" at Yad Vashem in Israel.
  • Fittko, Lisa

    11909–2005, Austrian resistance fighter, fled first to Prague in 1938, before continuing to Paris. After being detained in Gurs, she fled to Marseilles where she and her husband Hans Fittko helped others to escape. In 1941 she succeeded in escaping to Cuba; in 1948 she emigrated to the United States.
  • Fodor-Mittag, Etel

    1905-2005, Hungarian photographer and graphic artist, studied from 1928 to 1930 at the Bauhaus in Dessau, moved to Budapest in the 1930s and emigrated to South Africa in 1938
  • Foreign enemies

    When the Second World War broke out, citizens of the German Empire were seen as foreign enemies in many countries. Their freedom of movement was drastically restricted or they were even imprisoned.
  • Frank Simon Herrmann

    1866-1942, American painter of German origin, lived in Munich from 1883, returned to the United States in 1919.
  • Frank, Liesl

    1903–1979. co-founder of the European Film Fund, dramatist, literary agent. Daughter of singer Fritzi Massary, wife of author Bruno Frank.
  • Frankfurt kitchen

    The Frankfurt Kitchen was an early form of modern fitted kitchen. It was developed in 1926 by the architect Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky for Ernst May's Neues Frankfurt settlement project.
  • Franziska Herzfeld

    1891-1939, German mathematician. She worked as a teacher at the École Normale in Nancy in French exile