• Capec, Karel

    1890-1938, Czech writer
  • Cárdenas, Lázaro

    Lazaro Cardenas del Rio, 1895-1970, Mexican politician and general, from 1934-1940 President of the Republic of Mexico.
  • Caritas-Notwerk

    Aid organisation set up in 1934 to assist Catholic “non-Aryans”
  • Carl von Lustig-Prean

    1892-1965, artistic and theatre director, emigrated to Brazil in 1937, worked at the Teatro Municipal in Rio, founded a drama school and children’s theatre. From 1938 Austrian honorary consul, political involvement.
  • Carow, Heiner

    1929-1997, German film director, first film in 1952, from 1957 onwards director at DEFA, made several popular feature films for cinema, among these Die Legende von Paul und Paula (1973), mainly worked in television following Reunification
  • Castro Leal, Antonio

    1896-1981, Mexican lawyer, literary scholar and diplomat, 1928 - 1929 Rector of Universidad de México (UNAM).
  • Cervantes, Miguel

    Eigtl. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 1547(?)–1616. Spanischer Schriftsteller, Autor des Don Quijote, das als Hauptwerk der spanischen Literatur gilt. Das Werk erschien 1605 und 1615 in Madrid.
  • Cézanne, Paul

    1839–1906, French Impressionist painter, one of the most influential painters of early modern times.
  • Chagall, Marc

    1887-1985, French painter of Russian-Jewish origin, lived and worked, among others, in Paris, St. Petersburg, Berlin and New York, often used Bible and circus motifs, is categorised as an Expressionist
  • Chaplin, Charles

    1889-1977, English actor and director, became world famous as a comedian.