• Bosques, Gilberto

    1892-1995, Mexican teacher, Member of Parliament and diplomat, 1939 to 1942 Mexican Consul-General in France, where he campaigned after the occupation as a consul in Marseille for the rescue of thousands of refugees. Interned in 1943 for a year by the Germans in Bad Godesberg. 1946 until 1972: again Mexican Ambassador in various European and Latin American countries. 
  • Brandt, Willy

    1913-1992, German politician, joined the SPD in 1930, the one year later the Socialist Workers’ Party of Germany; from 1933-1945 exile in Norway, from 1949 member of the SPD in the German Bundestag; from 1964-1987 SPD party leader and from1969-1974 German Federal Chancellor; 1971 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his policies vis-à-vis Eastern Europe
  • Breitbach, Joseph

    (1903-1980), writer, lived in France after 1930
  • British Mandate for Palestine

    Before the end of World War I, Palestine belonged to the Ottoman Empire. After the British victory over the Ottoman troops in 1917, Great Britain occupied Palestine.
  • Bryan, Julien Hequembourg

    1899 – 1974, US American theologian, documentary film-maker and photographer
  • Buber, Martin

    (1878-1965): a prominent religious philosopher, active in Frankfurt and lived in Jerusalem from 1938.
  • Bund Proletarisch-Revolutionärer Schriftsteller

    writers' union of the Weimar Republic established in 1928, International Union of Revolutionary Writers section
  • Büro Pfarrer Grüber

    Network of supporters for Protestant “non-Aryans”
  • Calder, Alexander

    (1898-1976) was a Modernist American sculptor and member of the Abstraction-Création art movement.

  • Camartin, Iso

    *1944, Schweizer Publizist, Schriftsteller, Fernsehmoderator und 1985-1997 Professor für Rätoromanische Literatur und Kultur an der ETH in Zürich.