• Rilke, Rainer Maria

    1871-1945, important German-language poet, author of The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge (orig.: Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge, 1910), The Book of Hours (orig.: Das Stunden-Buch, 1905) and Duino Elegies (orig.: Duineser Elegien, 1923), one of the main representatives of Art Nouveau in literature
  • Riviera, Diego

    1886-1957, Mexican painter, drew on Mexican folk traditions, created large murals (frescoes) 
  • Riwkin-Brick, Anna

    (1908-1970), Swedish photographer, specialising in dance photography.
  • Roda Becher, Martin

    Born in 1944, Swiss author, screenwriter and literary critic, son of writer Ulrich Becher.
  • Roda Roda, Alexander

    1872-1945, born Sándor Friedrich Rosenfeld, Austrian author, war correspondent, actor and satirist; exiled in Switzerland and from 1940 in the USA.
  • Röhrig, Kurt

    1912–2007, German photographer. 1944 Training at the Frankfurt-based photography agency Dr. Paul Wolff & Tritschler. Röhrig photographed a Frankfurt destroyed by war and created sources for the documentation of important historical monuments. 1953 Founding of his own company, “roebild
  • Roosevelt, Eleanor

    1884-1962, American diplomat and human rights activist, 1933-1945 First Lady of the United States as the wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Roosevelt, Franklin D.

    1882-1945; served from 1933 until his death as the 32nd President of the USA and made every political effort he could to help those persecuted by the Nazi regime.
  • Rothmund, Heinrich

    1888-1961, 1919-1955 chief of the Federal Aliens Police, played a significant part in developing and implementing Switzerland’s controversial asylum policy during World War II.
  • Rudolf „Rudi“ Goguel

    1908 - 1976, German resistance fighter