• Giacometti, Alberto

    (1901-1966) ) was a Modernist Swiss sculptor, painter, and graphic artist.

  • Gide, André

    1869 - 1952, French writer
  • Glaeser, Ernst

    1902-1963, author of anti-war novel Jahrgang 1902 (“Born in 1902”), all his works were included in Liste 1 des schädlichen und unerwünschten Schrifttums (“1st list of harmful and undesirable writings”). Lived in exile in Czechoslovakia from 1933, in Switzerland from 1934, returned to Nazi Germany in April 1939, soldier and editor of a military newspaper.

  • Goebbels, Joseph

    1897-1945, was Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda from 1933 to 1945 and head of Reich Chamber of Culture
  • Görgen, Hermann Mathias

    1908-1994, part of the conservative Catholic resistance against the Nazi regime; exiled in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Brazil. Organised passports and travel to Brazil for 48 people including writer Ulrich Becher; remigrated to Germany in 1954, member of the FRG Bundestag from 1957.

  • Grey House

    The Josefstadt prison is commonly known as the "Grey House" in Vienna. The term derives from the grey uniform of the prisoners at that time. During the Nazi period it was notorious for its executions of political prisoners.
  • Grohmann, Will

    (1887-1968), German art historian and art critic, worked to promote a better understanding of modern art in his publications. He was friends with Otto Dix, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Oskar Schlemmer and others
  • Grote, Ludwig

    The art historian Ludwig Grote (1893-1974) remained in contact with the Bauhaus artists from his time as the State Curator of Anhalt. The National Socialists labelled Grote a cultural Bolshevik after 1933 and forced him into retirement.
  • Gründgens, Gustav

    1899-1963, was awarded the title Staatsschauspieler (state actor) in Nazi Germany in 1934 and, ten years later, exempted from military service as an indispensable artist. After the War, he continued his successful career in the Federal Republic.
  • Grundig, Hans

    (1901 – 1958), painter and graphic artist, active in the anti-fascist resistance within domestic exile / the underground movement.