• de Lange, Gerard

    (1894-1935), son of the founder Allert de Lange, took over the publishing house in 1932 after the death of his father; he had few ambitions of his own regarding the publishing business
  • Declaration of the Council for a Democratic Germany

    Plea for constructive peace and democratic new beginnings for Germany, signed by a politically heterogonous group of Germans living in exile in the US. Published on 3 May 1944 in the New York’s German-language newspaper Staats-Zeitung und Herold.
  • DEFA

    Short for Deutsche Film AG, founded in 1946 as the GDR’s state-owned film company with headquarters in Potsdam-Babelsberg, produced a great many feature films and documentaries, wound down and sold by the Treuhand (“Trust Agency”) in 1992
  • del Vayo, Alvarez

    (1890-1975), Minister of Foreign Affairs of the second Spanish Republic who lived in exile in Mexico, the United States and Switzerland.
  • Denby, Edwin

    (1903-1983), American writer and dance critic, briefly a member of Erika Mann's Pfeffermühle
  • Destruction of the temple

    According to the Bible, the first Temple of Jerusalem was built by King Solomon on Mount Zion. Its destruction when the Babylonians besieged Jerusalem under Nebuchadnezzar II in 586 BC plays an important role in Judaism.
  • Deutsch, Julius

    1884-1968, social democratic Austrian politician, from 1920 to 1933 parliamentary representative in the Nationalrat; General in the Spanish Civil War; following that exile in the USA, married to the author Adrienne Thomas
  • Dix, Otto

    1891-1969, German painter and graphic artist, expressive paintings and print cycles on the First World War, 1933 banned from exhibiting, 1938 temporary detention.
  • Dollfuß, Engelbert

    (1892-1934), Austrian politician from 1932-1934, founder of the austrofaschistischer Ständesstaat (Austrofaschist Corporate State), murdered in July 1934
  • Dos Passos, John

    (1896-1970), American writer