• Immigrant police

    Name for the immigration authorities in Switzerland and Austria
  • International Red Aid

    Refugee aid by the Communist Parties of Germany and Austria (KPD and KPÖ)
  • International Revolutionary Theatre Association (IRTB)

    socialist professional organisation for people working in theatre; set up in Moscow in 1933 out of the International Workers’ Theatre Movement
  • Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampfbund [International Socialist Militant League]

    The International Socialist Militant League (ISK) was founded in 1925 by Göttingen physicist Leonard Nelson (1882-1927) as a splinter group of the SPD. The ISK publishing organ Der Funke published an urgent appeal in 1932 and 1933 by well-known people concerning a fusion of the SPD (Social Democrats) and KPD (Communists), in order to prevent the Nazis from establishing a dictatorship.
  • Isherwood, Christopher

    (1904-1986), English writer, lived from 1939 in the United States
  • Ismailism

    Ismailism, a Shiite Islam movement which recognizes Ismail (d. 760) as the successor of the Prophet Mohammed.
  • Jacques, Olly

    whose first name was actually Olga, née Hübner, 1878-1949, German actress. Lived after 1909 in Switzerland, where she provided accommodation for many artists in her home in Carabietta. 
  • Janka, Charlotte

    1914-2012, German translator and publicist, emigrated to France following active political involvement as a communist; continued to Mexico in 1941, remigration to the GDR in 1947
  • Janka, Walter

    1914-1994, German publisher and dramatist, emigrated from Spain to France in1939, from 1941 exile in Mexico; political and publishing activities there, among other things as head of exile publishing house El Libro Libre; remigration in 1947 to the GDR, where he was imprisoned and then later pardoned
  • Jockisch, Walter

    1907-1970, opera director, second husband of Grete Weil, married in 1960