• Wehner, Herbert

    1906–1990, German politician, KPD until 1942, SPD from 1946. Deputy chairman of the SPD parliamentary group and later of the SPD parliamentary faction. Supporter of the reformative Godesberg Programme
  • Weil, Edgar

    dramaturge, first husband of Grete Weil, married in 1932, emigrated together with Grete Weil to the Netherlands, murdered in 1941 in Mauthausen concentration camp
  • Weil, Simone

    1909-1943, French philosopher, emigrated via the USA to England in 1942 where she was active in the French Resistance for Charles De Gaulles; died of anorexia
  • Weimar Republic

    A phase in German history that began after the First World War in 1918 and ended in 1933 when the Nazis seized power.
  • Weiskopf, Franz Carl

    1900-1955, German Jewish writer from Prague, collaborated on anti-Fascist and Communist newspapers; exiled in Paris and the USA.
  • Weissenstein, Rudi

    1910-1992, Fotograf. Ende 1935 Emigration nach Palästina, wo er den Alltag und das kulturelle Leben der jüdischen Einwanderer sowie wichtige politische Ereignisse fotografisch dokumentierte. Das von ihm gegründete Fotogeschäft Pri-Or in Tel Aviv, in dem auch sein umfangreicher fotografischer Nachlass archiviert wird, existiert noch heute.
  • Wells, Herbert Georg

    (1866-1946) was an English novelist who became best known for his science fiction.

  • Wertheim, Maurice

    (1886-1950), American banker, President of the American Jewish Committee
  • Westland

    A radical democratic magazine founded in 1933 with its publishing base in Saarland. When the Treaty of Versailles came into force in 1920, the Saar region was placed under the mandate of the League of Nations until its reunion with Germany in 1935. Many of the German authors who initially went into in exile in the Saar region published in Westland.
  • Wexberg, Hedwig

    Born in Belišće, Croatia, in 1906, oboist, pianist, organist. Nothing more is known about this musician.