• Villard, Oswald Garrison

    1872-1949, American journalist and writer, publisher of the liberal magazine The Nation, supporter and later treasurer of the American Guild.
  • Vinaver, Chemjo

    1895-1973, Polish conductor, composer and musical theorist who studied in Warsaw and Berlin, then became conductor at Berlin’s New Synagogue. Married the writer Mascha Kaléko in 1938, and emigrated to the USA in the same year. Move to Jerusalem in 1960.
  • Visum

    A permit from a foreign country stamped in the passport that allows the passport holder to enter the respective country. Some countries also issue exit visas, without which it is not possible to leave the country in question.
  • Vochoč, Vladimír

    (1894-1984) lawyer and diplomat. Czechoslovakian Consul in Marseilles from 1939 to 1941
  • Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

    1924 – 1941 autonomous republic in the Soviet Union with a German-speaking population whose descendants had emigrated to Russia in the 18th century following an edict by Catherine the Great.
  • von Rebay, Hilla

    German abstract painter and collector of non-objective art, 1890–1967, built up the Solomon R. Guggenheim art collection and in 1937 helped Guggenheim establish the Guggenheim Foundation based in New York.
  • von Unruh, Fritz

    1885–1970, deutscher Schriftsteller und Maler des Expressionismus.
  • Walden, Herwarth

    1871 – 1941, writer, publisher and musician, moved tot he Soviet Union in 1932
  • Wälterlin, Oskar

    1895-1961, Swiss theatre director and producer. Began his career at the Stadttheater (civic theatre) in Basel. In 1933, he was appointed Senior Director at the opera house and civic theatres in Frankfurt am Main. Director of the Schauspielhaus in Zurich from 1938 until his death.
  • Weguelin Vieira, Milton César de

    1890-?, Brazilian diplomat, helped obtain Brazilian entry visas for the Görgen group.