• O’Keeffe, Georgia

    1887-1986, one of the USA’s most famous female painters of the 20th century, painted on the threshold to abstract art, repeatedly used erotic motifs
  • Ödön von Horvath

    1901-1938, Austro-Hungarian author who wrote in the German language, died in exile in Paris.
  • Olden, Rudolf

    1885-1940, lawyer, journalist and secretary of Exile PEN. After the Reichstag fire in 1933, he escaped into exile. Olden died during the crossing from England to Canada when his ship was sunk by a German submarine.  
  • Oprecht, Emil

    1895-1952, important Swiss publisher of German-language exile literature, helped numerous emigrated artists to flee from the Nazis.
  • Oprecht, Emmie

    1899-1990, née Fehlmann, wife of Swiss publisher Emil Oprecht, was active during the Second World War taking care of German-speaking emigrants.
  • Orwell, George

    1903-1950, English writer, fought in the Spanish Civil War from 1937 and was seriously injured
  • Paepcke, Walter Paul

    1896 – 1960, President of the Container Corporation of America, gave his financial support to the School of Design in Chicago, was a sponsor of László Moholy-Nagy and founder of the Aspen Institute.
  • Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (POUM)

    Political party founded in 1935 with a regional focus on Catalonia, fought in the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939 against the military putschists surrounding Francisco Franco, banned in 1937 with residual political groups in French exile.
  • Patria

    (Latin: Fatherland), name of a refugee ship
  • Penck, A. R.

    1939 born in Dresden, real name Ralf Winkler (pseudonymous names: Mike Hammer, T. M., Mickey Spilane, a. Y. or only Y), german painter, graphic designer and sculptor