• Simon, Ernst

    (1899-1988): religious philosopher, active in Frankfurt and from 1934 in Jerusalem
  • Sinclair, Lewis

    (1885-1951), American writer, 1930 Nobel Prize for Literature
  • Singer, Kurt

    1885-1944, neurologist, conductor, musicologist, researcher in the field of musicians’ health. 1933 Founder of the Kulturbund Deutscher Juden in Berlin, working as a conductor and choirmaster. 1938 Emigration to the Netherlands, there once more involved in organising cultural events. 1943 Deportation to Theresienstadt, died as a result of the conditions there.
  • Socialist Workers’ Party of Germany (SAPD)

    Left-wing socialist Marxist party that existed between 1933 and 1945 and campaigned in its members’ countries of exile against the Nazis.
  • Soviet occupation zone

    SOZ, 1945-1949, also known as Eastern occupation zone, one of the four zones into which Germany was divided after the end of the Second World War was geographically the area of the later German Democratic Republic.
  • Sozialdemokratische Flüchtlingsfürsorge (Social Democratic welfare assistance for refugees)

    An aid organisation set up in Prague by the exiled leaders of the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) and others
  • Spartacist uprising

    General strike and armed struggle from 5 to 12 January 1919 in Berlin. During the unrest, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were murdered. The November revolution was violently suppressed.
  • Spartacus League

    Association of Marxist socialists who sought to bring about an international proletarian revolution during the First World War.
  • Starr Untermeyer, Jean

    1886 – 1970, American poet and translator
  • Stein, Lilo

    1910-1997, née Salzburg, married Fred Stein in 1933, emigrated with him to New York in 1941, later became Professor for Drama and Literature