• Quaker

    Christian religious community
  • Radvanyi, Laszlo

    Johann Lorenz Schmidt (1900 – 1978), Hungarian emigrant, economist
  • Rahimi, Atiq

    Born in 1962 in Kabul/Afghanistan, writer, documentary filmmaker and director, fled during the Soviet-Afghan war to France in 1984.
  • Ramsay MacDonald

    Twice prime minister of the United Kingdom and the first prime minister to be a member of the British workers’ party, the Labour Party.
  • Reichner, Herbert

    1899-1971, Austrian publisher whose Vienna publishing house, which was founded in the 1920s, offered German-speaking authors in exile like Stefan Zweig, Elias Canetti and Hermann Broch a publishing base. Reichner emigrated to New York in 1939.
  • Reichskulturkammer [Reich Chamber of Culture]

    A professional organization for all those employed in the cultural sector as of September 1933. Membership was compulsory to be able to continue working in an artistic profession. Jewish artists and those who were politically unpopular were not admitted.
  • Reichsverband deutscher Schriftsteller

    was an obligatory association for writers set up on 9 June, 1933. Previously existing other authors’ associations were subsumed by it. The German character of literature was to be reinforced by excluding politically or artistically undesired authors.
  • Reichsvertretung Deutscher Juden

    Set up in 1933, represented Jews in Germany until 1943 in dealings with the Nazi authorities. After the Nuremberg Laws were passed in 1935 it was renamed as the Reich Representation of Jews in Germany.
  • Reismann, János

    1905 – 1976, Hungarian photographer who worked until 1932 in Berlin for the left-wing press, among others for the AIZ; emigrated to the Soviet Union and France
  • Riedveld, Gerrit

    1888 – 1964, Dutch architect and designer, became known through his involvement in the De Stijl group of artists.