• La otra Alemania (Das andere Deutschland)

    Exile journal edited by August Siemsen and published under the double name La Otra Alemania/Das Andere Deutschland (The Other Germany) in Buenos Aires from 1938.
  • Lagerlöf, Selma

    1858-1940, Swedish author, the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1909.
  • Landauer, Walter

    (1902-1944), from 1933-1940 Managing Director of the exile publishing house Allert de Lange; the tireless efforts of his friends to rescue him from Holland after 1940 failed; in 1944 he was deported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp where he died of starvation
  • Landshoff, Fritz H.

    1901-1988, German publisher who went into exile in Holland in 1933 and became head of the exile department there of Querido Verlag. He escaped to Britain in 1940, and one year later moved to the USA, where he once again worked in publishing.
  • Langer, František

    1888–1965, Czech author, military physician, dramaturge, essayist, literary critic and publicist, emigrated to Poland in 1939 and later moved to England.
  • Langer, Marie

    (1910-1987) Psychoanalyst, fled Austria for Uruguay in 1939.
  • Lányi, Jenö

    (1902-1940), Hungarian art historian
  • Laporte, Paul

    (1904-1980), real name Paul Heilbronner, first took classes at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Munich before studying art history. He received his doctorate in 1933. In the same year he emigrated to Italy and then in 1939 to the United States where he changed his name to Laporte.
  • Latouche, John

    (1914-1956), American writer
  • Lawrence, D. H.

    1885-1930, English writer, married to Frida von Richthofen, was in contact with the German writers Max Mohr and Hans Carossa, who also treated him as a doctor. Lawrence dies of tuberculosis