• Gruppe 47

    loosely organised group of West German post-war writers who came together at irregular intervals at the invite of the book trader Hans Werner Richter between 1947 and 1967 to hold readings and discuss works of literature
  • Guerrero, Xavier

    1896-1974, Cuban interior designer, living in Mexico City
  • Guggenheim, Solomon

    American patron of the arts and collector of modern European art, 1861–1949, founder of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and the Guggenheim Museum.
  • Hagana

    Jewish, paramilitary underground organisation, predecessor of the Israeli army.
  • Haller, Frieda

    c. 1884 – c. 1953. Swiss English teacher and translator, shared a flat for a short time with Georg Kaiser in Zürich from 1944/45.
  • Hamburger, Rudolf (1903 – 1980),

    The architect Rudolf Hamburger (1903-1980) lived between 1930 and 1936 in Shanghai.

  • Havemann, Robert

    1910-1982, German chemist and anti-state campaigner. As a communist youth he was opposed to Nazism; from 1937-1945 he worked on poisonous gas projects at the German Army Weapons Agency (Heereswaffenamt); from 1950 political and scientific career in the GDR, expelled from the ruling SED party in 1964/65  for criticising the regime, and from 1976 placed under house arrest and subject to surveillance by the East German secret police (Staatssicherheit)
  • Hayek-Arendt, Katja

    1900 – 1979, pseudonym for Käthe Arendt, German philologist, translator, wife of Erich Arendt
  • Heiden, Konrad

    1901-1966, publisher, fled to the Saar region in 1933 then into exile in France and the USA; he wrote one of the first biographies of Hitler as well as several books about Nazism
  • Heine, Heinrich

    1797-1856, German poet and writer, emigrated to Paris in 1831 due to political hostility