• Wigman, Mary

    (1886 - 1973), real name Karoline Sofie Marie Wiegmann, German dancer, choreographer, pioneer of rhythmically expressive free dance (New German Dance).
  • Wilder, Thornton

    1897-1975, US author who wrote novels, short stories, plays and essays.
  • Wilhelm, Kurt

    (1900-1965): a liberal Rabbi from Germany, led the Emet and Emuna Synagogue in Jerusalem, and Chief Rabbi in Sweden from 1948 until his death
  • Williams, Tennessee

    1911 – 1983, American writer
  • WIZO

    Women’s International Zionist Organisation, international charitable women's organisation
  • Wolff, Kurt

    1887-1963, German publisher, founder of the Kurt Wolff Verlag publishing company. Exile in Italy, Great Britain, France and the USA. 1942 in New York Foundation of the Pantheon publishing company with his wife Helen Wolff.
  • Wolff, Theodor

    (1868-1943), editor and writer, from 1906 until 1933 editor-in-chief of the Berliner Tageblatt
  • Wotruba, Fritz

    1907-1975, Austrian sculptor; exiled in Switzerland and remigrated to Austria in 1945.
  • Youth Aliyah

    Organisation, that helped children and youths to escape, mainly to England and Palestine.
  • Zinnemann, Fred

    Austrian-American film director, in Hollywood since 1929