• Steinbeck, John

    (1902-1968), American writer
  • Steinberg Verlag

    Zurich-based publishing company established in 1942 by sisters Selma and Luise Steinberg, which specialised in German-language exile literature (Klaus Mann, Max Brod, A. M. Frey) and translations of American literary works.
  • Sternfeld, Wilhelm

    1888–1973, journalist, publicist. Exile in France, Czechoslovakia and Britain. Posts included secretary of the PEN Centre of German-Speaking Authors Abroad. After the end of the war, he helped build the collection of exile literature at the Deutsche Bibliothek, the predecessor of the German National Library.
  • Stibi, Georg

    1901-1982, German communist politician and publicist, emigrated to Mexico in 1941, remigration and continued work as a publicist from 1946 in the GDR
  • Storrer-Madelung, Florianna

    1902-1997, German-Danish translator who in the 1930s worked under Otto Kleiber as the assistant editor of the features section of the Basler National-Zeitung newspaper.
  • Stratil, Karl

    1894 – 1963, graphic artist and book designer born in Moravia (Austria-Hungary), worked for publishing houses from 1920, among others for Reclam-Verlag in Leipzig
  • Suhrkamp, Peter

    1891-1959, German publisher. Directed the S. Fischer publishing house during the Nazi era and founded the Suhrkamp publishing house in 1950.
  • ter Braak, Menno

    1902-1940, Dutch writer and literary critic. He committed suicide on the day of Dutch capitulation.
  • The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

    A parable from 1941 written by Bertolt Brecht while in exile in Finland that parodies Hitler’s seizure of power in a story set in the American gangster scene.  
  • Toni Kesten

    (1904-1977), née Warowitz, wife of Hermann Kesten (married in 1929), succeeded in fleeing via Marseille and Lisbon to New York after her internment in Gurs.